A Series of Facial Imprints, Bleached from Canvas
Seven facial imprints made using a bleaching technique developed by Sorne represent the seven days of creation according to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, with a bleach painting of the young John Kennedy Jr. saluting his father’s coffin.
Selected Examples of Holy
The series of bleach paintings reflect the death of innocence, of naivete. Like the young Kennedy saluting his father’s coffin, the work represents ideas of death around childhood perceptions of truth.
The series of bleach paintings reflect the death of innocence, of naivete. Like the young Kennedy saluting his father’s coffin, the work represents ideas of death around childhood perceptions of truth. Each face imprint titled, Impositions, represent the imposed ideas of creation, pertaining to the seven days of creation with god resting on the seventh day, calling it holy. The death of the disillusionment of the American dream felt in many Americans with the assassination of John F. Kennedy, paralleled with the death of childhood.
So much of my work pulls from early childhood memories. One of those memories is of sitting in the backseat of the car, pressing my face against the glass windows, marveling at the level of detail in the facial imprint left behind.
Cataloguing chapters of life by way of the face in an of itself is a statement on the anthropomorphizing of perceived reality, the ego, embodied by the face. Seeing faces in nature, belief in ghosts.