“Daughters of the Spirit”
A Performative Immersive Installation
Interweaving of Song, Sound & Vision
A performative installation where live song is interwoven with floor drawings within a series of life-size cutout figures, created by slowly dripping pigments over layered earthen media on the figures.
Sorne sings in harmony with pre-recorded vocal layers, emanating from speakers attached to his body while drawing on the floor of the space, making his way into a series of figures referencing the mundane, the changing landscape, the melting of ice.
Selected Examples of Daughters of the Spirit
Over the course of one year, I slowly ran pigment over earthen material on each figure as a meditation on time and change. The work represents the spirits of the Earth which have been muffled under layers of concrete, human development. Each child is a voice of the Earth crying out where the ground still speaks.
This period of work is a reflection of shed skins of self. The death of god, the shift of spirit and soul, like water over land, the topographic aspects of these pieces reflect the ever-changing state of nature. As above so below.
The Shroud is a reflection on the Shroud of Turin, the idea of belief, constructs of spirit, god and faith. The bleaching process by nature is a stripping away of matter, revealing something latent, potent. The performance aspect of this work is the physical embodiment of that sense of loss of identity, searching for new skin.
Over the course of one year, I slowly ran pigment over earthen material on each figure as a meditation on time and change. The work represents the spirits of the Earth which have been muffled under layers of concrete, human development. Each child is a voice of the Earth crying out where the ground still speaks.
Satellite imagery of the arctic regions melting were a core part of the catalyst for this body of work.
Additionally, a pilgrimage to Turin Italy informed the direction of this series.
Standing in a line of thousands, slowly and surely processing over the course of three hours led me to witness the Shroud of Turin, a piece of Christian Iconography that has been a seminal core part of my life experience as far back as I can remember. Regardless of the relic’s authenticity as the burial cloth of Christ, to see so many people moved by this fourteen foot piece of linen depicting the body of a crucifix victim left a lasting impression on me.