

A Series of Nine Cast Faces, Paintings and Song Drawings

Seven faces are suspended by golden tears, each containing it’s own sound source. Each suspended cast face sings a tone forming the phrase, “As You Think So You Shall Be.”

The tones loop creating a polyphonic soundscape that morphs and changes infinitely in time.

Selected Examples of Spiritus


Cast Resin, Brass Wire


Cast Resin, Brass Wire

“Widow’s Peak”

Silver Ink on Archival Paper

“Lost Boys and Desperate Girls”

Silver Ink on Archival Paper

Audio Block
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Recorded vocal lines for each face:


Cast Resin, Brass Wire


Cast Resin, Brass Wire

“Crazy Horse”

Silver Ink on Archival Paper

Song Drawings Accompanying Sound Recordings:

“Grain of Sand”

Silver Ink on Archival Paper


Cast Resin, Brass Wire


Cast Resin, Brass Wire

“Twin Flames”

Silver Ink on Archival Paper

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

“Death is the Mother of Beauty”

Silver Ink on Archival Paper


Cast Resin, Brass Wire

“Meditations on the End of the World”

Silver Ink on Archival Paper

“Ashen Light”

Silver Ink on Archival Paper

In collaboration with Taiz Life Casting, I had nine casts of my face made on my thirty-fourth birthday. The body of work is a continuation of my interest in the marking of time and the shedding of identities. Song and breath as spirit, a distillation of lived experiences, traumas, hopes, dreams, fears and egos.

  • This body of work serves as a continuation in the exploration of relationships between time, written language and melody. Spiritus is the Latin word for spirit or breath and as such, the works represent Sorne's deeper investigations of personal symbolism and the etymologies of these symbolisms as they pertain to the larger population.

    The other-worldly vocal compositions by Sorne are a direct reflection of this introspective examination, pulling from past, present and future tenses of human existence thus raising questions about time and space through the melodic and visual harmonization. 

    Seven face masks by Sorne each contain a vocal sound element. Each face sings a single word from a phrase with it’s own voice, creating a polyphonic experience when displayed together. 

    An eighth face mask contains the Schumann Resonance in B Major. The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. 

    This pitched frequency serves as the melodic tonic in the series of singing faces.

    The collection of works are referred to as, "Song Drawings" by Sorne being that the drawings and paintings are created simultaneously.

For further information on Spiritus:


Martyr Loser King [2026]


House of Stone [2011]